
Oct 30, 2012

This week I fell in love with... (Living room items)

My ideal Living Room... Well, that's a long story. 
Since I change my mind all the time - I can't help it, there are so many trendy designful items out every week! - I decided to keep track of all my favourite items and decoration trends! 
Otherwise I will go nuts with so many images in my head! (lol)

So, for this week, I would definetely recommend a combination of an intimidating wallpaper in neutral colours, a colourful sofa, an artistic ceiling lamp, some wall stickers and ceramic animal heads. Add a floor lamp in industrial style and some pillows and voila! My Ideal Living room of the week!

There! I feel much better already (giggles)!

This is a sample photo. Notice the wallpaper and how good it works with design items.
Thanks to Oh Joy! blog

Edited by me


  1. oh, how this makes me want to revamp my entire living room to a completely modern feel. love this! xo

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  3. Thank you for your comments!
    Join my blog for more designful ideas xxxx
