
Oct 30, 2012

EmmakissTina's girly artwork can really be a treasure hunting experience. You can find the most amazing things ever (and the most awful ones!). I have a passion for art prints - as I make them myself. So, when I came across these girly art prints I thought that it would be great to share them with you. After all, they are perfect. You can put them in your boudoir, the nursery (for really stylish baby girls), your bedroom or even your bathroom (on Hers side!).

This is just a sample! You can find many more in their shop EmmaKissTina at Etsy.

1 / Lipsticks  2 / Girl on sofa  3 / Miss Dior  4 / Cosmopolitan  5 / Books

Which one do you like best?

Edited by me

Professionally printed on satin matte paper as well as signed and dated by Emma Kristina.

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