
Jul 28, 2013

No more excuses...

Hi there. I hope you are all having fun, enjoy your summer and hopefully the sun.

I always talk to people about decoration (I can be quite annoying!) and I always insist on how we can all have cute little decorations in our houses without spending a fortune. After all, there is a designer hidden in all of us and with a touch of flair we can do wonders. 

Idea no1: There are so many websites where you can buy inexpensive art and designer items for a much better price. Try or,, for new ideas everyday - that's how I got my new Phillip Starck stool for a very affordable price!

Idea no2: Re-shape, re-paint, re-do everything. Paint an old lamp, use acrylic colors to color all you are bored off, buy cheap frames and paint them as you please. The choices are endless.

Idea no3: Use paper to create your new piece of art. Do you remember my pom-pom? I was so proud of it. I still keep it in my bedroom for a cheerful note. But how about the following ideas? And remember... no excuses! It will only cost you a pound/euro/dollar and it will look fab. And you can do it while on holidays too!

See you soon - still not sure what I'll be doing, lots of changes on the way, that's for sure :)

1, 2 & 5 via Mini eco
4 & 5 via Chloe Fleury

Get those scissors going!
Edited by me

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